A woman's granddaughter has been placed for adoption. Her only hope of ever seeing her granddaughter again is to leave clues to her birth family's identity in documents the child will have access to when she's of legal age. A unique, inspirational story about hope, faith and the tenacity of family love.
Above: The trailer for feature film Letters to Stephanie.
This film is packed full of divine intervention and miracles in what looks like coincidences, but they're not. With God there are no coincidences.
Letters to Stephanie has partnered with RedeemTV who has partnered with the streaming services of TUBI, ROKU, APPLE TV, AMAZON FIRE TV, ANDROID TV, SAMSUNG TV, and LG TV.
DVDs may be purchased via Vision Video at:
To the Right: The award-winning short film, "The Ultimate Gift", shows part of Letters to Stephanie.

Charleston, S.C. -
BACKGROUND: This story begins during a time when pregnancy out of wedlock carried a social stigma. To avoid being shunned and publicly ridiculed, young pregnant women were sent away, many against their will, to live in secrecy in "rescue homes" for unwed mothers in exchange for giving up their babies for adoption.
SUMMARY: An unwed pregnant young woman is forced to give up her baby girl named Stephanie for adoption. The birth father and his mother are forbidden to adopt Stephanie. Social Services permits the birth parents and the paternal grandmother to write letters without identifiable information for Stephanie's adoption file. Stephanie will be able to have a copy of her file after she's twenty-one. The only hope the grandmother has of ever seeing her granddaughter again is to put clues to the birth family's identity in her letter.
The grandmother and her son move forward, never again speaking of their pain from losing Stephanie. But separately, they share the same longest running prayer... that one day, by some miracle they will see Stephanie again.
It's an effective drama about hope and the tenacity of family love.
See the script/ screenplay and film awards on the Press Inquiries page.
Where’s Stephanie? A Story of Love, Faith, and Courage
by Lenora Livingston is available worldwide in the following formats.
2nd Edition Paperbacks................................................................................ISBN–978-1511737418
Available directly from Amazon at https://amazon.com/dp/1511737417 or from your favorite book seller.
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First Edition, Limited, Hard Copy with Book Jacket: ISBN 97558-1-4627-4486 AbeBooks.com
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