Tara lets Anna hold her baby, named Stephanie, before she places her for adoption.
Lenora Livingston
Jo-Ann "Jody" Bierer Wilhelm
Who is Lenora Livingston, the author of novel Where's Stephanie? She's none other than Jo-Ann "Jody" Bierer Wilhelm the screenwriter who wrote the feature script "Letters to Stephanie", which has won awards in over twenty festivals and script writing contests. Plus, she produced and directed the feature film "Letters to Stephanie", which will be released April 1, 2024 through Vision Video on Redeem TV.
Who is Lenora Livingston aka Jo-Ann Bierer Wilhelm aka Jody?
As a child she, enjoyed writing poetry in her rural three-room, three-teacher, wooden school house that covered grades one through six. The school, which was only accessible by dirt road, had a pot-bellied stove, a hand pump outside for its water source, and two paths, one to a girl’s two-seater privy and one to the boys privy. She was afraid to go near a third privy for fear of death. It was boarded up and covered with vines, because a little girl had died from a black widow spider in it.
Jody's mother died of leukemia at the age of 31, leaving behind seven children, ages five months to thirteen years. She was the middle child. Her father did not remarry until all of his children were grown.
Her first published work was In Memoriam, a poem she wrote at age seventeen in the memory of a classmate who died from cancer.